The incredible moment a great white shark erupts from the sea to kill its prey
2009年8月25日 星期二
The incredible moment a great white shark erupts from the sea to kill its prey
英國媒體24日刊登了一位野生動物攝影師近距離拍攝的大白鯊捕食瞬間,場面令人驚心動魄。在攝影師Chris Brunskill的鏡頭中,大白鯊雖然體形碩大,捕食時卻身手矯健,縱身躍出水面6米高,張開大嘴將它的“美食”緊緊咬在口中。為了拍攝這組照片,攝影師在靠近南非開普敦的海面上等候了3個小時。
Flying: The great white shark shows its awesome power and acrobatic prowess as it breaches the water in False Bay, South Africa
All over: The seal has no idea what hit is as the shark explodes from the deep sea to snare its prey at the surface
The perfect predator: The shark only jumps out of the water for a split second to secure its prey
Caught on camera: Chris Brunskill waits patiently on the back of a boat in False Bay to capture the rare moment of a shark breaching the water Read more...