
2011年10月24日 星期一

Taiwan Shark Fin Trade - Press Photos and B-Roll

 Longline vessels at port near the Tung Kang Fish Market in Kaohsiung (Gāoxióng), Taiwan. Taiwan has the world’s second largest longline fishing fleet. Vessels may go to sea from nine months to several years at a time, with some of the catches being sent back to Taiwan via containers on refueling ships or “reefers.”台灣高雄東港魚市場附近的延繩釣漁船停泊漁港內。台灣有世界第二大的延繩釣漁業船隊,漁船可能一次出海九個月到數年之久,而有些漁獲則由加油船或冷凍搬運船的貨櫃送回台灣。
Photo Credit: Shawn Heinrichs for the Pew Environment Group

 Truckload of small frozen shark “logs.” Sharks are commonly caught at sea, frozen on industrial factory-vessels, and delivered to plants such as the one pictured, for processing and distribution.一整車冷凍到像是木棍的小鯊魚身體。鯊魚在海洋中常被捕獲,在工業化的工廠式漁船上被冷凍後,被運送到如圖中的廠區,以近一步進行處理和配送。
Photo Credit: Shawn Heinrichs for the Pew Environment Group

 The Taiwanese shark fishery is not limited to longlining fleets fishing in international waters, local boats are also landing sharks in Taiwan. Pictured here is a fisher’s catch of sharks along with mahi mahi.台灣的鯊魚漁業不僅限於延繩釣船隊在國際海域捕魚,當地漁船也會在台灣捕魚和卸貨。途中顯示一個漁民將一尾鯊魚拖過一群鬼頭刀。
Photo Credit: Shawn Heinrichs for the Pew Environment Group

 Shark carcasses, also known in the fishing industry as “logs”, are offloaded at a processing warehouse.鯊魚屍體,也被漁業工業稱為「木棍」,被卸貨於處理倉庫。
Photo Credit: Shawn Heinrichs for the Pew Environment Group

 Shark carcasses, also known in the fishing industry as “logs”, are offloaded at a processing warehouse.鯊魚屍體,也被漁業工業稱為「木棍」,被卸貨於處理倉庫。
Photo Credit: Shawn Heinrichs for the Pew Environment Group

 Over 40 shark carcasses being unloaded off trucks at a processing warehouse.超過40尾鯊魚的屍體從貨車上被卸到處理倉庫中。
Photo Credit: Shawn Heinrichs for the Pew Environment Group

 A common thresher shark (Alopias vulpinus) with its dorsal fin cut off. Common threshers are valued for their meat, livers, hides, and fins. These sharks have a nine month gestation period, with reproductive rates of only 3-4 pups per year, and as such are biologically threatened by even moderate levels of exploitation. Common threshers are listed as Vulnerable on the IUCN Red List.一尾背鰭被割掉的長尾鯊(Alopias vulpinu)。長尾鯊的肉、肝臟、皮以及鰭都有價值,這些鯊魚有九個月的妊娠期,每年只會生下大約三到四尾仔鯊,因此即使是中等程度的開發,長尾鯊還是遭遇到相當程度的威脅。長尾鯊被IUCN的紅色名錄列為脆弱物種。
Photo Credit: Shawn Heinrichs for the Pew Environment Group

 A common thresher (Alopias vulpinus)  and a scalloped hammerhead (Sphyrna lewini). A 2006 FAO review of the status of highly migratory pelagic species found thresher sharks to be fully exploited or overexploited globally.  Unlike common threshers, hammerheads are targeted primarily for their fins, as their meat is difficult to process due to its high urea content.一尾長尾鯊和一尾紅肉雙髻鯊。一份2006年FAO對高度遷徙性的大洋性物種回顧文章發現,長尾鯊在全球已經接近充分利用或是過度利用了。不像長尾鯊,雙髻鯊則主要是因為魚翅而被捕,因為他們的肉有太高的尿素含量,處理相當困難。
Photo Credit: Shawn Heinrichs for the Pew Environment Group

 Bags of shark fins. In 2009 the Taiwanese-flagged fishing trawler, Chien Jiu 102, was seized at Cape Town harbor, South Africa with 1.6 tons of dried shark fins.好幾袋魚翅。在2009年,船旗國為台灣的底拖漁船Chien Jiu 102號,在南非開普敦漁港被查獲有1.6公噸的乾燥魚翅。
Photo Credit: Shawn Heinrichs for the Pew Environment Group

 Scalloped hammerhead (Sphyrna lewini) carcasses. A 2006 study found that scalloped and smooth hammerheads (Sphyrna zygaena) represented at least four to five percent of the fins auctioned in Hong Kong, one of the  world’s largest traders in shark products.紅肉雙髻鯊的屍體。2006年的一項研究發現,紅肉雙髻鯊和錘頭雙髻鯊  (Sphyrna zygaena)至少佔在香港魚翅拍賣的4到5%,而香港是世界上最大的鯊魚產品貿易商之一。
Photo Credit: Shawn Heinrichs for the Pew Environment Group

 An assortment of shark fins. From 1985 to 1998, shark fin imports to Hong Kong and Taiwan increased by more than 214 percent and 42 percent, respectively;  and between 1991 and 2000, trade in shark fins in the Chinese market grew by six percent a year.各種魚翅。從 1985年到1998年,香港和台灣的魚翅進口增長分別超過214%和42%,而在1991年和2000年之間,中國市場的魚翅貿易每年增長6%。
Photo Credit: Shawn Heinrichs for the Pew Environment Group

 It is estimated that between 1.3 and 2.7 million smooth and scalloped hammerheads (Sphyrna lewini) are captured for the shark fin trade each year.據估計,捕獲的錘頭雙髻鯊和紅肉雙髻鯊的魚翅貿易,每年分別是大約1.3和2.7百萬尾。
Photo Credit: Shawn Heinrichs for the Pew Environment Group

Sharks pups still in placental membranes. Most sharks are late to mature and have relatively few offspring, leading to their vulnerability to dramatic population declines.鯊魚幼仔仍然在胎盤胎膜。大多數鯊魚成熟很晚,並有相對較少的後代,導致他們戲劇性的人口下降,相當脆弱。
Photo Credit: Shawn Heinrichs for the Pew Environment Group

 Hammerhead sharks are targeted, and greatly valued for their fins. A 2009 study in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean found that hammerheads have had a 70% decline in abundance since 1981.雙髻鯊因為他們的鰭相當有價值而被當成漁獲目標。一份2009年的研究發現,自1981年以來在西北大西洋雙髻鯊的豐度下降了70%。
Photo Credit: Shawn Heinrichs for the Pew Environment Group

 Scalloped hammerheads (Sphyrna lewini) are listed as globally Endangered on the IUCN Red List.紅肉雙髻鯊被IUCN的紅色名錄列為全球瀕危物種。
Photo Credit: Shawn Heinrichs for the Pew Environment Group

 The minimum value of the global shark fin trade has been estimated at $400 million to $550 million a year.據估計,全球魚翅貿易的最低值大約是每年四億美元至五億五千萬美元。
Photo Credit: Shawn Heinrichs for the Pew Environment Group

 Processing shark fins. Between 2005 and 2009, Taiwan exported 65,000 tons of shark meat products, including 3,480 tons of dried, frozen, and canned fins.魚翅加工。在2005年和2009年間,台灣鯊魚肉類產品出口6.5萬噸,其中包括3480噸乾燥、冷凍和罐裝的魚翅。
Photo Credit: Shawn Heinrichs for the Pew Environment Group

 Many of these fins come from pelagic shark species. According to the IUCN, over 50 percent of pelagic sharks are Threatened or Near Threatened with extinction.這些魚翅中,有許多來自大洋性的鯊魚物種。據世界自然保護聯盟,超過50%的大洋性鯊魚受到威脅或近瀕臨滅絕。
Photo Credit: Shawn Heinrichs for the Pew Environment Group

  Fisheries for sharks are largely unregulated; there are almost no limits on the number of sharks which can be caught by fishing fleets on the high seas. With an average annual catch of 48,000 tons, Taiwan is responsible for nearly six percent of the reported global catch of sharks both for trade and domestic uses.鯊魚漁業在很大程度上是不受管制的,在公海捕魚的船隊所捕獲的鯊魚數量上幾乎沒有限制。平均每年4.8萬噸的​​漁獲,台灣在全球貿易和國內使用鯊魚捕撈量上,佔了將近6%。
Photo Credit: Shawn Heinrichs for the Pew Environment Group

 Kaohsiung is a major hub for importing shark fins, sold at high prices in the restaurants and shops of Taiwan and China. Fins are brought in from the docks and placed out to dry in the sun on rooftops near the port.高雄是進口魚翅的主要港口,賣高價的魚翅給在台灣和中國大陸的餐館和商店。魚翅從碼頭被帶到了港口附近的屋頂上,在陽光下曬乾。
Photo Credit: Shawn Heinrichs for the Pew Environment Group

 This picture of over 3,500 shark fins provides a snapshot of a tiny percentage of the estimated 30 to 73 million sharks killed every year to supply the global shark fin industry.
這張照片裡面有超過 3,500片魚翅,但卻只是每年為了供應全球魚翅,估計約三千至七千三百萬尾遭到殺害的鯊魚中一小部份。
Photo Credit: Shawn Heinrichs for the Pew Environment Group

 Shark fins drying in the sun in Kaohsiung before processing. 30 percent of the world’s shark species are Threatened or Near Threatened with extinction.加工前在高雄利用太陽曬乾的魚翅。30%的世界的鯊魚物種受到威脅或瀕臨滅絕。
Photo Credit: Shawn Heinrichs for the Pew Environment Group

 Cleaning and processing of shark fins. Between 30 and 73 million sharks are killed each year to supply the global trade in shark fins.清潔和加工魚翅。每年為了供應魚翅的全球貿易,大約有三千到七千三百萬尾鯊魚被殺害。
Photo Credit: Paul Hilton for the Pew Environment Group

  Shark fins are considered one of the most valuable food items in the world, reaching pries as high as US$700 per kg.魚翅被認為是一個在世界上最有價值的食品項目,價格高達每公斤700美元。
Photo Credit: Shawn Heinrichs for the Pew Environment Group

 An illustration of the scale of this industry – frozen shark fins moved by front-end loader.說明這個行業規模 - 冷凍魚翅必須要用推土機來搬移。
Photo Credit: Shawn Heinrichs for the Pew Environment Group

 Shark “logs” of a variety of sizes and species. Removal of sharks can cause shifts in marine ecosystems, inducing a cascade of indirect effects that can result in changes in the abundance of other organisms.各種尺寸和物種的鯊魚“木棍”。移除鯊魚會導致海洋生態系統產生變化,包括間接影響,可能導致其他生物的豐度變化。
Photo Credit: Shawn Heinrichs for the Pew Environment Group

Sharks cannot survive the magnitude of the commercial extraction that these photos represent.這些照片顯示的商業開採的程度,而這種程度鯊魚是無法生存的。
Photo Credit: Shawn Heinrichs for the Pew Environment Group

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