
2009年11月11日 星期三






Visitors to Kelly Tarlton’s Underwater World, a popular aquarium and animal park in Auckland, New Zealand, got to witness a gristly miracle. A shark was bitten on the side by another shark. To the surprise of horrified visitors, baby sharks started to emerge from the gaping wound in the female’s side. Apparently, nobody kenw that she was pregnant, or that the bite of another shark could act as an impromptu Cesarean section. Fortunately, mother and babies are all doing fine.
Wildlife experts believe the shark bit the female in a deliberate attempt to force her to give birth to the babies. Had the mother shark given birth naturally during the night, the shark pups would have been eaten by other sharks or attacked and killed by stingrays that inhabited the shark tank. The fact that the shark was bitten in just the right place, and not just bitten in half, suggests that it was a deliberate shark surgery.

Pregnant shark in aquarium has chunk bitten out of her by another shark ... and stunned visitors see four pups emerge


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